The category which will be applied for entries to races for the entire season is the category to which the rider will belong on 1st January of the following calendar year.
All riders aged 35 and over may ride in the UCI masters cyclo-cross world championships. However the following riders are not eligible:
Any rider who has ridden in the UCI cyclo-cross world championships, continental championships or UCI cyclo- cross world cup during the current year,
Any rider,who has been a member, during the current cyclo-cross season, of a team registered with the UCI,
Any rider classified with at least 100 points in the UCI individual cyclo-cross ranking published after the first UCI cyclo-cross world cup event of the current cyclo-cross season.
In races other than the UCI masters cyclo-cross world championships, riders may participate with a temporary or daily licence, issued by their national federation. The licence must clearly state the starting and finishing dates of its period of validity. The national federation shall make sure that the holder of a temporary licence will, for theduration of his licence, benefit from the same insurance cover and other benefits as those attached to an annual licence.
Notice: Daily licenses are not accepted for participation at the UCI Masters Cyclo-Cross World Championships 2023.
World Championships
Only licence holders under articles 1.1.001 to 1.1.028 and 5.1.001 may take part in the UCI masters cyclo-cross world championships. A race number is only issued on presentation of the licence.
5.4.002 The riders taking part in the UCI masters cyclo-cross world championships represent their country, but are permitted to use the equipment of their choice.
5.4.003 All details specifically relating to the UCI masters world championship must be obtained from the organiser or from the UCI website.
5.4.004 The UCI masters cyclo-cross world championships are usually organised in 5 years age groups: 35-39, 40-44, 45-49 etc. Age groups will be combined when less than 6 riders enter an age group. In case of combined age groups titles for the respective 5 years age groups will be awarded (even when only 1 rider is entered).
The riders taking part in the masters world championships represent their country, but are permitted to use equipment of their choice.
Wearing a rigid safety helmet shall be mandatory during competitions and training sessions.
Disc brakes are allowed in cyclo-cross training and competition.
For races on the road and cyclo-cross, the use of fixed sprocket is forbidden: a braking system that acts on both wheels is required.
For the Cyclo-cross bicycle the width of the tyre (measured between the widest parts) shall not exceed 33 mm and it may not incorporate any form of spike or stud.
Anti Doping Control will be carried out at the event by the International Testing Agency (ITA) in accordance with UCI Regulations.
It is the Riders Responsibility to present themselves at the Doping Control Station as soon as possible and at the latest within 30 minutes of finishing the race. Selected riders must remain in sight of their designated chaperone at all times.
Riders selected for Anti Doping can be identified on a list by their race number or ranking. If applicable, the list will be posted at the event HQ and the Doping Control Station immediately after the race.
Start Order
The start order will be made for each category by drawing lot. This will be done in advance of the event as soon as possible after the closing date and will be published in advance on the event website.
The UCI Commissaires decision on the day is absolute and final.
Official Ceremonies
The following points apply to the official ceremonies.
The World Champion, as well as the second and the third placed riders shall be ready for the official ceremony that shall be conducted under the responsibility of the president of the commissaries panel.
Riders shall appear in racing attire.
The first three riders receive gold, silver and bronze medals.
The UCI Masters Cyclo-Cross World Champion jersey is to be worn during masters cyclo-cross races of the corresponding category only.
Wearing this jersey during other category’s or discipline races is forbidden and may be punish with a fine of 2.000 CHF (UCI article 1.3.072).
Permanence|Info Desk
The headquarter of the event will be placed right beside the racing course. The way will be postsigned. Adress tba.
Opening hours for riders and officials: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Visitors can get informations about the event all day by visiting the desk counters along the course.